wallpaper ages through time, their adhesives weaken, the edges rip, and the
colors fade. Kids wallpapers are more exposed to stains and damage.
off any extra adhesive. Your house wallpaper is mended and looks nearly brand
bubbles - Air bubbles occur when an amount of air or a piece of debris is
trapped between the wallpaper and the wall, resulting in tiny bulges on the
surface of your wallpaper and borders. Roll the surface flat and wipe off any
adhesive excess from the house wallpaper.
Big rips
and tears - this kind of damage is commonly suffered by kids wallpaper,
bathroom wallpaper, and kitchen wallpaper and borders. Trace the edges of the
spare wallpaper with a razor, cutting the damaged wallpaper in the process.
the spare wallpaper and moisten the damaged area with water to loosen the
adhesive. Remove the damaged area. Clean the wall surface where the new piece
of wallpaper will be pasted. Apply wall covering adhesive to the new wallpaper
and carefully place it on the wall.